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Image by Azimbek Assarov

Oak Park
Energy grants


Creating a

Climate Ready

Oak Park

Up to $10,000 in grant funds are available to Oak Park residents to save energy. Help fight climate change and lower your monthly utility bills with insulation, air sealing, lighting, water heaters, faucets, air thermostats, and more.


Is your project complete? Download the Oak Park Energy Grant application here.

how does the grant program work?

The Oak Park Energy Grant program can cover the full cost of home energy improvements up to $10,000.


Grants are awarded to income-qualified homeowners or landlords with income-qualified tenants.


residential energy assessment and permits and inspections are required for all energy upgrades listed in the grant program guidelines.


Eligible energy improvements include:

  • Insulation

  • Air sealing

  • Energy efficient lighting

  • Energy efficient electric water heaters

  • High-efficiency showers and faucets

  • Smart or programmable thermostats

  • Energy efficiency improvements for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems

  • Upgraded water heaters, high-efficiency shower/faucet upgrades


For more information and to apply for a grant, please:

Contact Development Customer Services Department's Neighborhood Services Division at 708-358-5410 or


benefits of energy efficiency

New Growth


Reduce the amount of greenhouse gases & pollution created by your home.

Dollar Bills


Save money on your monthly energy bills.

Make affordable home improvements.

Pregnant Woman Enjoying her Drink


Be supported at every step with advice from utility contractors & Oak Park staff.


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